Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Do I have some kind of problem that I'm not aware of? It just seems like lately I'm constantly doing things wrong. And I can't/don't know how to do anything about it. Like a couple days ago, I made a Twitter. I was looking at some of my friends' biographies on their profiles, and I thought, "How come these people can write about themselves so well, while I'm sitting here stating my name and favorite color?" It also brought up to me the problem that I don't have any idea who I am. I can't easily describe myself like some people can. And it really bugs me. I don't even know what I want to take as an elective next year. There just are so many things I'm interested in. I like writing, reading, baking, acting, singing, lots of things. I just haven't found one thing that I really enjoy, and am really good at. A thing that people when asked to describe me will say, "Oh, she does this." Also, it seems like I haven't been getting very good grades. I study, but I just can't seem to get good grades. My life right now is just like the movie Spiderman 3. I don't want my life to be like Spiderman 3. I hated that movie. The whole point of Spiderman 3 is that everything sucks and falls to crap. But, things have to get worse before thy can get better.

1 comment:

  1. This is epic. Honestly, I know it was a rant, but you're getting the point of even blogging in the first place. Why do we blog? To let our ideas roam the internet. What defines who we are? OUR IDEAS. The fact that you can recognize that you don't know who you are is probably a sign that you know more about yourself than others do. Keep rocking out.
