Monday, November 15, 2010

Today is going to be the worst day ever. And I'm here to tell you why.

1. First of all, it's a Monday. And there's basically no way a Monday can be good in any way, shape, or form.
2. I'm sitting here in health class, blogging to make it look like I'm doing something. Unlike this kid in my class, who feels like it's his job to walk around the classroom like a douche. Which he is currently doing.
3. I have ANOTHER AP Human Geography paper due tomorrow, on a paper I haven't even gotten.
4. Chorus ran short today. No chance of any fun without chorus.
5. There's a funky bell today. And I don't like it.
6. I only have one mod off today.
7. My one really good friend is going to be sad today. Which makes me sad.
8. I overslept this morning. But I'm still so tired.
9. I think I have to make up a Catholic Church quiz today. And I didn't study. But whatever. Never really cared about Catholic Church class anyway.
10. There is nothing I can do about my current situation. It's like God is saying, "Hey, I'm going to make your life suck right now. And there's nothing you can do to stop me. Just have to keep looking ahead. Sorry!"

1 comment:

  1. On Catholic Church: We didn't have the quiz Friday, so everyone's taking it today.

    On everything else: Cheer Up! If you think it's going to be a bad day it will be. Be happy! And be prepared for the massive hug that I'm going to give you in English :]
