Thursday, November 18, 2010

Letter to a Friend #3

Dear Margaret,
      So I'm sitting in math class right now, chatting with you on Oovoo. And I'm going to write you a letter. Hmm. I guess I'll start from the very beginning.
      I didn't know you very well when I first came to Harford Day in third grade. I was in Mrs. Messler's homeroom, you were in homeroom with Mrs. Wilcoxson. I was in all the mediocre classes, you were in the classes for current brainchildren of the world. So I didn't really start talking to you until about middle school. Except for that one time I came over to your house in like the 5th grade and we ate rolls and your dog ripped my pants. I remember both of those vividly.
      Anyway, we didn't really kick it off until about 7th grade when I went through that big fight with a certain un-named friend and didn't have anyone to talk to because my other friends were in 7A. So I started hanging out with you. I don't remember all the specifics, but I do remember that it was pretty fun stuff. Commence friendship.
      Since we hung out with different groups of people, I didn't hang with you as much as I'd have liked to. But we did have some pretty fun times in Middle School(mini mammoths ftw!!!). But I'm so glad that you became my friend. Back in third grade I barely knew your name, and now I'm blessed to be able to call you one of my best friends.
     Truth is, I've always been jealous of you. You're pretty much the smartest white girl I know. And I know a lot of smart white girls. You always seem to have it so together all the time. You can manage friends, family, grades, sports, everything so well, and still have time and patience to deal with me and my various problems when I call you at like 8 o'clock at night and I know you have other things to do but I still need to rant to someone and you let me. You're a superhero. You can make me laugh even when I'm crying over Skype, and you always know the right thing to say, whether you know it or not. You always have time for your friends, especially me, and I really don't know a single person who doesn't like you. I'm worried that sentence didn't make sense. What I'm saying is, you're everybody's friend. Including mine. And I'm so grateful for that. You're such a talented, funny, wonderful person. I'm so happy we're friends. But if you don't stop shaking my desk in Human Geography, I might bite your foot. Just a warning. Love you lots!

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